Meeting Room Policy

St. Louis Public Library meeting rooms are intended primarily for Library meetings, programs, exhibits, and events. When not needed for these purposes, the rooms are available free of charge to non-profit groups and organizations. Permission to use Library meeting rooms is revocable and does not imply that the Library endorses the aims, policies, views, or activities of the group or organization using the room. Anyone using the Library’s meeting rooms must abide by the terms of this policy and the Appropriate Use of the Library policy.

  1. All meetings are open to the public and free of charge or requested donations.
  2. Anyone eligible for a Library card other than a Friends card may book a meeting room. The individual applying for the room will be the primary contact and the person responsible for the terms of this policy. 
  3. Meetings should not cause undue interference with regular Library service and operations or endanger Library employees, customers, or property.
  4. Meeting rooms are not intended for private use, study, tutoring, one-on-one discussions, or personal or social events. However, upon approval of Library staff, individuals and small groups may use a meeting room on a walk-in basis if it is not already reserved for that day.
  5. Meetings organized by campaign committees or groups designed specifically to promote or oppose candidates or ballot issues are not permitted. Meetings at which candidates will discuss current election issues are permitted provided the meeting is hosted by a non-partisan, non-profit organization and that all candidates for the same office have been invited. Meetings held by elected officials to gather community input or communicate with their constituents are permitted.
  6. Adults must supervise groups of users under 18 at a ratio of one adult per every five users under 18.
  7. In the event of a conflict with a Library-sponsored program, the Library program has priority. The Library reserves the right to revise any scheduled meeting arrangements and to preempt established reservations on reasonable notice to the applicant.
  8. Meeting room use may not result in financial gain for the meeting’s organization or its members. No money may be exchanged in meeting rooms. Solicitations and the selling of products or services are prohibited.
  9. Meeting rooms may be reserved a maximum of three months in advance. If a group needs to cancel a meeting, the Library requests as much notice as possible so as to allow another group to reserve the room in question.
  10. Under most circumstances, at most locations, a group may not reserve a meeting room more than one time a month. The Library will determine any exceptions based on the space available, the time and day requested, and the interval between meetings.
  11. No food or refreshments may be served. An exception may be made at Central Library if, upon approval of the meeting room application, arrangements are made by the outside group with the Library’s preferred caterer.
  12. The Library will not assume responsibility for anything left on the premises by an outside group. Furniture, equipment, and supplies may not be stored on Library property.
  13. Library-owned equipment may be requested on the meeting room application and checked out on a Library card. Groups using such equipment assume financial responsibility for any damage to, or theft of, equipment in their possession.
  14. Groups using meeting rooms are expected to conduct their proceedings in a quiet, orderly manner. Groups using the room are responsible for reasonable care of the room and will be held responsible for any damage and the general condition of the room following use.
  15. Chairs and tables are provided. Special arrangements of tables and chairs should be requested on the application form. Fees may be charged for the setup of special arrangements.
  16. Meeting rooms are available only during the Library’s open hours.
  17. In the event of a Library building emergency or weather-related emergency, the Library reserves the right to cancel the meeting without notifying the contact person.
  18. Groups holding meetings must in no way affiliate themselves with the Library, either through written publicity, signage, or verbal statements. Any publicity for the meeting must include the statement "This is not a program sponsored by or affiliated with St. Louis Public Library." Any contact information in publicity for the meeting must be that of the organization hosting the meeting.
  19. Groups must designate an age level for their meetings and indicate it on their application forms and on any publicity materials.
  20. Library staff will refer questions about the organization or group, other than the day and time of the meeting, to one of the contact persons named on the application.
  21. Library Administration is the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the meeting facilities.
  22. Use of the meeting room may be terminated at any time if the conduct of the group or any member of the group is disruptive or harmful to the facility, Library materials, furnishings, or other individuals. Failure to observe these rules may be the basis for denial of all future use of the Library meeting rooms by the group, organization, or individuals.



Adopted by the Board of Directors, July 10, 2023

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