Board of Directors – September 27, 2017

In attendance were John Dubinsky, President, presiding; Alison Ferring, Jacque Land, Nina

North-Murphy, Janet Rainford (via phone), Keith Savage, Thomas Schlafly, and David Sweeney.

Also present were Executive Director Waller McGuire and staff members Kyle Criner, Tiffany

Davis, Carrie Dietz, Jon Drakesmith, Diane Freiermuth, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Charles Jefferson, Kathy Leitle, Brenda McDonald, Jen Ohzourk, Justin Sü•uttmann, Rob Tygett, and Jen Wiese; John Fox Arnold, Lashly & Baer; and Emilee Murphree, Liz Reeves, and Josh Wiese, Library Foundation.

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Mr. Dubinsky.


Mr. Schlafly's motion to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2017 Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Sweeney, was approved.

President's Report:

Mr. Dubinsky remarked that like the quick and effective response to the ransomware attack in January, Mr. McGuire and the staff handled the unrest after the Stockley verdict very well. He thanked everyone for their efforts.

Committee Reports:

The Fiscal Affairs Committee met September 7, 2017 and reviewed the proposed budget, recommending approve to the full Library Board. Mr. McGuire gave an overview of the budget process. He stated that the final income estimate from the City is up $800,000 over last fiscal year, and that ftlnds transferring from the Library Foundation also increased.

Mr. Jackson gave an overview of the budget package. The proposed budget is asking for $500,000 from reserves. After discussion from the Board Members, Mr. Savage's motion to approve the 2017-2018 budget, seconded by Mr. Sweeney, was approved.

Executive Director's Report:

  • McGuire reported that the Library's first summer with Operation Food Search free lunches for children at five locations resulted in over 4,000 meals served. The plan is to add additional locations next summer.
  • The Food for Fines program continues to be successful. This year, food for 9,000 meals was collected at Library locations.
  • Six staff members from the Seattle Public Library visited in September. They toured Central Library and several Carnegie buildings, St. Louis County Library, and

Washington University Libraries. They viewed SLPL's Special Collections at Central.

  • The protests resulted in six windows broken at Schlafly Library. All locations were closed early on Friday afternoon, September 15, 2017, on police advice. Central Library closed early the following Monday evening because of large crowds near the building.

All three nights of the Shakespeare in the Streets performance had to be cancelled.

Schlafly Library was able to open at noon the day after the windows were broken.

  • Jackson presented the Financial Report.
  • McGuire presented the HR Report and introduced Jen Wiese as the new HR Director.
  • Liz Reeves presented the Foundation Report and introduced two new staff members, Emilee Murphree and Josh Wiese.
  • McGuire stated that because the September Library Board meeting was held late in the month, the October meeting was cancelled. The joint Library Board/Foundation Board meeting in early November will replace the regular meeting that month.

New Business:

Mr. Savage's motion to approve "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Extension for Old Post Office Building; and Related Matters," seconded by Mr. Schlafly, was approved.

Mr. Schlafly's motion to approve "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Renewal for Central Library Lease; and Related Matters," seconded by Ms. Ferring, was approved.

Mr. Schlafly's motion to approve the "Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St.

Louis Municipal Library District Approving an Amendment of the Amended and Restated Consultant Services Agreement Between the Board of Directors and CLR Consultants, INC as Subsequently Assigned to DFC Group, INC.," seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved.

Mr. Schlafly's motion, seconded by Mr. Savage, to adjourn the meeting was approved. The meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.

Mr. Schlafly moved that the Board approve the minutes of the meeting ofAugust 7, 2017. MOTION APPROVED
(In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. NorthMurphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Sweeney.)
Mr. Savage moved that the Board approve the proposed 2017-2018 Budget. MOTION APPROVED
(In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. NorthMurphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Sweeney.)
Mr. Savage moved that the Board approve A Resolution of the Board of Directors Of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Extension for Old Post Office Building; and Related Matters. MOTION APPROVED
(In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. NorthMurphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Sweeney.)
Mr. Schlafly moved that the Board approve A Resolution of the Board of Directors Of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Renewal for Central Library Lease; and Related Matters. MOTION APPROVED
(In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. NorthMurphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Sweeney.)