In attendance were John Dubinsky, President, presiding; Jack Boyers, Gabriel E. Gore, Alison Ferring, Jacque Land, Nina North-Murphy, Keith Savage, Thomas F. Schlafly, and Vince Volpe.
Also present were Executive Director Waller McGuire and staff members Barry Berry, Gerald Brooks, Patty Carleton, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Lori Lakebrink, Kathy Leitle, Brenda McDonald, Lisa Wolfe; Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer; and Liz Reeves, Library Foundation.
Mr. Dubinsky called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Mr. Savage's motion to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2015 Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Land, was approved.
Mr. McGuire included copies of two letters of communication. The first letter was from Confluence Charter Schools staying that their interpretation of the lease agreement states they have until 2019 to decide if they wish to take the option to purchase the North building. This was a response to a letter from the Library asking if they had made a decision about the purchase.
A short discussion of the viability of Confluence School followed and included discussion of New Market Tax Credits. Mr. Dubinsky reported that Mr. Steven Stogel believes that retiring these credits early is a good idea. It would take $5 million in debt off the Library's books. Lastly & Baer is preparing a memo to explain the details of this and will have it ready tomorrow (September 15). Mr. Dubinsky may call a special meeting to vote on this later in the month.
The second letter was from the Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis stating that the City has made the final payment required by the legal agreement concerning the City's payments to the retirement system.
President's Report:
Mr. Duinsky stated that the two main topics of the meeting would be the 2016 budget and strategic planning. He also praised the Sendak exhibit for its popularity and being well received by the community.
Fiscal Affairs Committee Report:
Fiscal Affairs Committee Chair Vince Volpe presented the report. Mr. McGuire and Mr. Jackson gave details of the proposed 2016 budget. It will require approximately $400,000 from the reserves to be a balanced budget.
Mr. Volpe's motion to approve the 2016 budget, seconded by Mr. Land, was approved.
Executive Director's Report:
Mr. McGuire presented the Director's Report.
Mr. Berry presented the HR report. He announced that open enrollment for insurance had occurred and that there had been no increase in cost for 2016. He also stated that the Library was implementing the required increase in minimum wages passed by the Board of Alderman.
Ms. Reeves gave the Foundation Report stating that at their next meeting the Foundation Board would approve a transfer of funds to the Library for next year. She also noted that the annual fundraiser on November 21, 2015 has $159,000 in sponsorships, that the Muny has donated props from their summer rub of Into the Woods for use at the event, that the Gateway Men's' Chorus would be performing for free, and that the Modern American Dance Company would be performing during the event as characters.
New Business:
Mr. Volpe's motion to approve "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Renewal for Central Library Lease; and Related Matters," seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved.
Ms. Ferring's motion to approve "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City ion St. Louis municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Extension for Old Post Office buildings and Related Matters," seconded by Mr. Boyers, was approved.
Mr. Schlafly's motion to go into Executive Session for personnel matters, seconded by Mr. Gore, was approved by a unanimous roll call vote. The regular Board Meeting broke at 6:04 p.m.
The Regular Board Meeting resumed at 6:33 p.m.
Old Business:
Mr. McGuire presented a strategic planning document with proposed Vision and Mission statements and a list of Strategic Directions. After extensive discussion, Mr. Dubinsky proposed that Mr. McGuire convene a separate meeting to further discuss and refine the document before the October Board Meeting.
Mr. Schlafly's motion, seconded by Me. Land try adjourn the meeting was approved. The meet8ing ended at 7:23 p.m.
At the regular meeting the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on September 14, 2015, the following actions were taken:
Mr. Savage moved: | that the bOard approve th minutes of the meeting of August 3, 2015. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |
Mr. Volpe moved: | that the Board approve the 20165 Budget. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |
Mr. Volpe moved: | that the Board approve A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Renewal for Central Library Lease; and Related Matters. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |
Ms. Ferring moved: | that the Board approve A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Lease Extension for Old Post Office Building; and Related Matters. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |
Mr. Schlafly moved: | that the Board go into Executive Session. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |
Mr. Schlafly moved | that the meeting adjourn. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Boyers, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) |