In attendance were Nina North-Murphy, Vice President, presiding; Gabriel E. Gore, Alison Ferring, Jacque Land, Keith Savage, Thomas F. Schlafly, and Vince Volpe.
Also present were Executive Director Waller McGuire and staff members Barry Berry, Gerald Brooks, patty Carleton, William Jackson, Lori Lakebrink, Kathy Leitle, John Newcomer, Angela Nolin, Michelle Toohey, and Lisa Wolfe; Sandy Swanson, OrangeBoy; Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer; Liz Reeves, Library Foundation.
Ms. North-Murphy called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
Mr. Schlafly's motion to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2015 Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Land, was approved.
Executive Director's Report:
Mr. McGuire noted that the Executive Director's Monthly Report, the HR Repot, and the Financial Report were included in the Board packets.
Mr. McGuire presented "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Staff and Financial Support to the Foundation; and Authorizing the actions of Certain Officers."
Mr. Land's motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. Schlafly, was approved.
Unfinished Business:
Mr. McGuire noted that a Strategic Planning Committee meeting had not been held in the last month because none of the possible meetings times fit into enough Board Members' schedules.
Sandy Swanson from OrangeBoy led the Board in an exercise to get Board Members reactions to the S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis that was based on the result of public surveys and focus groups and staff surveys. A lengthy discussion followed. It was agreed that the Board would be individually surveyed about the S.W.O.T. information and an analysis of that survey would be discussed at the November Board meeting.
Mr. Volpe's motion, seconded by Mr. Savage, to adjourn the meeting was approved. The meeting ended at 7:20 pm.
At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on October 5, 2015, the following actions were taken:
Mr. Schlafly moved: | that the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of September 14, 2015. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr Volpe.) |
Mr. Land moved: | that the Board approve "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the City of St. Louis Municipal Library District Authorizing Staff and Financial Support to the Foundation; and Authorzing the Actions of Certain Officers." MOTION APPROVED (In favor Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr Volpe.) |
Mr. Volpe moved: | that the meeting adjourn. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Ms. Ferring, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr Volpe.) |