Board of Directors – June 5, 2017

In attendance were John Dubinsky, President, presiding; Alison Ferring, Jacque Land, Janet Rainford, Keith Savage, Thomas F. Schlafly, and Vince Volpe.

Also present were Executive Director Waller McGuire and staff members Tiffany Davis, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Kathy Leitle, and Justin Struttmann; John Fox Arnold, Lashly & Baer; and Liz Reeves, Library Foundation.

The meeting was called to order at 5:36 p.m. by Mr. Dubinsky.


Mr. Schlafly's motion to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2017 Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved.

Public Comment:

Mr. Keith Crawford, a member of Christ Church Cathedral, asked that the Library consider supporting NLEC if they try to move their operation to another location. Board members stated that they will evaluate the situation if it happens.


Mr. McGuire referenced an article about Libraries and ransomware from the May l , 2017 issue of Library Journal. It included several references to how SLPL handled the attack. He then gave an update on the many steps taken to protect the Library from future attacks.

Committee Report:

Mr. Volpe presented reports of the Fiscal Affairs Committee meetings held May 23, 2017 and June 5, 2017.

Executive Director's Report:

  • McGuire stated that work continues on the condominium agreement with Confluence Academy and expect to have it completed by September 2017.
  • Updates were given on several components of the Strategic Plan.
  • SLPL and St. Louis County Library are progressing with the High School On-Line program, but St. Charles City-County has pulled out of it.
  • The annual American Library Association conference in Chicago is later in the month and Mr. McGuire and several other staff members are attending.
  • The Director and the Board Members of the Seattle Public Library will visit SLPL for three days in September. The specific dates have not been finalized.
  • Mailed paper notices have been discontinued with notifications now handled by email or phone. This will result in a savings of about $25,000 per year.
  • Since the closure of NLEC, incident reports at Central Library have dropped by 60%. Jackson presented the Financial Reports.
  • Ms.Reeves presented the Foundation Report.Mr. Volpe's motion to go into Executive Session, seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.

Mr. Volpe's motion to go into Executive Session, seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Pubic Library on June 5, 2017, the following actions were taken:

Mr. Schlafly moved that the Board approve the minutes of the meeting ofApril 3, 2017. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)
Mr. Volpe moved that the Board go into Executive Session. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Mr. Land, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)