Closed Opportunities • Window Washing Service - (Closed date: March 10, 2025) • VM WARE - (Closed date: February 24, 2025) • Wi-Fi Hotspots- (Closed date: February 10, 2025) • ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: January 20, 2025) • AV UPGRADE CARPENTER LIBRARY - (Closed date: December 5, 2024) • PEOPLE COUNTING SYSTEMS_WIRING PROJECT - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: November 29, 2024) • PEOPLE COUNTING SYSTEMS - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: October 25, 2024) • Waste Removal Services - (Closed date: October 25, 2024) • DIGITAL IMAGING SERVICES - (Closed date: October 2, 2024) • SLPLF NEW DONOR ACQUISITION DIRECT MAIL CAMPAIGN - (Closed date: September 20, 2024) • MDR & EDR SOLUTIONS - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: August 29, 2024) • Snow Removal Services - (Closed date: August 16, 2024) • Reading Catalog Replacements - (Closed date: August 12, 2024) • MICROSOFT WINDOWS LICENSING - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: July 29, 2024) • READING CHALLENGE SOFTWARE- (Closed date: July 24, 2024) • Audio Visual Auditorium Upgrades for Kingshighway & Machacek - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: July 5, 2024) • Installation of Meraki Cameras - (Closed date: July 2, 2024) • PATCH MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE LICENSES - (Closed date: June 26, 2024) • Upholstery Repair Services - (Closed date: June 28, 2024) • Computerized Maintenance Management Software and Condition - Addendum #1- (Closed date: June 28, 2024) • CISCO DUO SUBSCRIPTION LICENSES - (Closed date: June 7, 2024) • Public Engagement Consultant Services - Addendum #1- (Closed date: June 7, 2024) • MERAKI CAMERAS 2024 - (Closed date: May 17, 2024) • BARCO CLICKSHARE DEVICES - (Closed date: May 2, 2024) • ROOF REPLACEMENT FOR WALNUT & MACHACEK BRANCHES - (Closed date: May 6, 2024) • MICROSOFT SURFACE STUDIOS FOR JULIA DAVIS CEXP - (Closed date: April 18, 2024) • Vending Machine Services - (Closed date: April 10, 2024) • BUDER SECOND FLOOR WIRING PROJECT - (Closed date: April 19, 2024) • BUDER BRANCH LIBRARY CARPET REPLACEMENT FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: April 12, 2024) • PURCHASE & INSTALL OF AUDIO, VIDEO & DIGITAL UPGRADE- CARPENTER - (Closed date: April 12, 2024) • PURCHASE & INSTALL OF AUDIO, VIDEO & DIGITAL UPGRADE AT MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - ( Closed date: April 12, 2024) • INSTALLATION OF ADA DOOR OPENERS FOR FIRST FLOOR RESTROOMS - (Closed date: April 3, 2024) • Schlafly Wiring Project 2024 - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: March 27, 2024) • VM WARE - (Closed date: March 25, 2024) • TILE INSTALLATION AT CARPENTER LIBRARY - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: March 13, 2024) • TUCKING POINTING AND CAULKING OF CHIMNEY AND WALL AT BARR LIBRARY - (Closed date: February 29, 2024) • UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY REPLACEMENT PROJECT FOR THE ADMIN- (Closed date: February 2, 2024) TERNET SERVICES FOR BUDER LIBRARY - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: January 31, 2024) • WAN SERVICES - Addendum #1- (Closed date: January 31, 2024) • INTERNET SERVICES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: January 31, 2024) • Network Closet Rewire for Buder Library - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: January 12, 2024) • Disposal Of Electronic Equipment - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: January 12, 2024) • HVAC Planned Maintenance Services - (Closed date: January 5, 2024) • EPSON RECEIPT PRINTERS - (Closed date: December 15, 2023) • WINDOW WASHING SERVICES 2024- (Closed date: November 20, 2023) • Installation of Projector & Screen at Central Auditorium - (Closed date: November 7, 2023) • UNIPRINT MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT - (Closed date: October 24, 2023) • MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE (MDR) SERVICES - (Closed September 21, 2023) • CAFE VENDOR SERVICES - (Closed date: August 31, 2023) • Microsoft Licensing Renewal - (Closed date: August 31, 2023) • Print Services - (Closed date: July 24, 2023) • TUCKINGPOINTING AND CAULKING OF AREAS AROUND CENTRAL LIBRARY - (Closed date: July 24, 2023) • PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION, AND TRAINING FOR VIDEO AUDIO AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY - (Closed date: July 26, 2023) • Upholstery Repair Services - (Closed date: June 30, 2023) • ASPHALT REPAIR SERVICES - (Closed date: May 30, 2023) • MECHANICAL ROOM ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PROJECT - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: June 6, 2023) • INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES - Addendum #1 Addendum #2 - (Closed date: March 21, 2023) • PEST & RODENT CONTROL SERVICES 3.2 - (Closed date: March 22, 2023) • MECHANICAL ROOM REMOVAL & INSULATE PIPING AND EQUIPMENT - Addendum # 1 - (Closed date: March 24, 2023) • Lawncare & Landscaping Services - (Closed date: March 17, 2023) • MECHANICAL ROOM SERVICE SURVEILLANCE AIR MONITORING - (Closed date: March 17, 2023) • REPAIR DELIVERY RAMP - (Closed date: February 16, 2023) • NETWORK REFRESH - (Closed date: February 17, 2023_ • Boardroom AV Procurement & Installation - (Closed date: December 16, 2022) • ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SERVICES - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: December 19, 2022) • Metal Maintenance _Refinishing Services - (Closed date: December 7, 2022) • WASTE DISPOSAL & RECYCLING SERVICES - (Closed date: December 7, 2022) • Audio Visual Auditorium Upgrades Buder & Julia Davis - (Close date: October 19, 2022) •ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE & SERVICE AGREEMENTS - (Closed date: October 14, 2022) • PARKING LOT EVENT MANAGEMENT - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: October 13, 2022) • CARPET REPLACEMENT FOR CENTRAL & MARKETPLACE - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 27, 2022) • Audio Visual Auditorium Upgrades Buder & Julia Davis - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 20, 2022) • Disaster Recovery Appliance Support - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 20, 2022) • MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE SOLUTION - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 13, 2022) • UNIPRINT MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT- Addendum #1 : (Closed date: August 31, 2022) • MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE SOLUTION - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: August 23, 2022) • ARUBA CLEARPASS - (Closed date: August 12, 2022) • SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES - (Closed date: July 28, 2022) • Microsoft Licensing Renewal 2022 - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: July 14, 2022) • CARPENTER BRANCH HANDICAP RAMP REPAIR - (Closed date: June 15, 2022) • Roof Replacement for Julia Davis & Divoll Branches - (Closed date: June 7, 2022) • North Underground Parking Garage - Level A Repair - Addendum 1 - (Closed date: May 13, 2022) • FURNISH & INSTALL CARPET FOR JULIA DAVIS LIBRARY - (Closed date: March 25) • MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION SECURITY AND SUPPORT - Addendum #1 - (Closed Date: February 14, 2022) • PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION, AND TRAINING OF A VIDEO, AUDIO AND CONTROL SYSTEM PACKAGE - Addendum #1 - (Closed Date: February 11, 2022) • ROOF CONSULTANT FOR DIVOLL AND JULIA DAVIS LIBRARY - (Closed Date: January 25, 2022) • SURPLUS OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT RECYCLING - (Closed Date: January 25, 2022) • SMART TERMINAL - Addendum #1 - (Closed Date: January 12, 2022) • MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION SECURITY & SUPPORT - (Closed Date: January 18, 2022) • Asphalt Repair Services - (Closed Date: December 29, 2021) • Collection Resale and Disposal of Library Materials - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - (Closed date: December 20, 2021) • Surplus of Electronic Equipment Recycling - (Closed date: December 6, 2021) • Security Cameras for Julia Davis - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: December 6, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling - (Closed date: December 6, 2021) • UPS Lithium Batteries - (Closed date: November 15, 2021) • Collection Resale & Disposal of Library Materials - (Closed date: November 15, 2021) • Digital Imaging Services - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: November 4, 2021) • Carpet--Furnish & Install (Buder & Cabanne) - (Closed date: October 19, 2021) • Electronic RFB 21-990007 ATC and Metasys System Maintenance - (Closed date: September 2, 2021) • Self Check - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Unprint Maintenance - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Chiller Maintenance -Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: August 16, 2021) • Wi-Fi Hotspots - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • Microsoft Surface Studios - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • 3D Printers - (Closed date: July 14, 2021) • Waste Removal - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • Microsoft License - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • RFP-SLCL-SLPL-Shared-ILS - Amendment #1 - Amendment #2 - (Closed date: July 1, 2021) • Julia Davis Interior Renovation - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - (Closed date: June 18, 2021) • Buder Library Roof Replacement - (Closed date: June 2, 2021) • Compton Traction Elevator Renovation - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: June 1, 2021) • Plant & Garden Maintenance -- Addendum #1 -- (Closed date: May 27, 2021) • Fountain Water Line Repair -- Addendum 1 - Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: May 12, 2021) • Plant and Garden Maintenance - (Closed date: April 27, 2021) • Endpoint Protection Solution Internal System --Addendum 1 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling -- Addendum 1 -- Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • PTZ & Live Streaming Capable Camera System - Addendum 1 - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Guaranteed Energy Savings - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling - (Closed date: March 16) • PTZ and Livestream Capable Camera - (Closed date: March 16) • Wireless Implementation Project - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - Addendum #4 - Addendum #5 - Addendum #6 - Addendum #7 - (Closed date: March 3) • Google Workspace Gsuite - (Closed date: February 26) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: February 3) • Roof Consultant (Buder Library) - (Closed date: January 15) • Mini Desktop PCs - (Closed date: December 22) • Workstation Notebooks - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: December 1, 2020 ) • Branch Monument Signs - (Closed date: November 5, 2020) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - (Closed date: November 3, 2020) • Data Center - Servers - (Closed date: November 2, 2020) • Schlafly Flooring - (Closed date: October 27, 2020) • Unprint Annual Maintenance & Support License Subscription - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 22, 2020) • Uniprint Annual Maintenance & Support License/Subscription- (Closed date: September 2, 2020) • Printing Services - (Closed date: August 31, 2020) • Chromebooks and Licensing (Closed date: Aug. 7, 2020) • Administrative Office Specifications Metasys & ATC - Addendum 1 (Closed date: Aug. 5, 2020) • Window Washing Services (Closed date: July 20, 2020) • Repointing Stone Entry at Central (Closed date: July 15, 2020) • Excavation Service for Waterproofing (Closed date: March 18, 2020) • Lawn and Landscaping Services - Addendum #1& Addendum #2 (Closed date: March 19, 2020) • Internet Service (Closed February 6, 2020) • Pest Control (Closed February 4, 2020) -- Addendum 1 & 2: Pest Control & Addendum 3 • Payroll and Human Resources Information System (Closed January 22, 2020) --Addendum No. 1 & Addendum No. 2 • Window Washing (Closed November 25, 2019) • Carpet--Furnish & Install (Buder & Cabanne) - Closing date: October 19, 2021 • Electronic RFB 21-990007 ATC and Metasys System Maintenance - (Closed date: September 2, 2021) • Self Check - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Unprint Maintenance - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Chiller Maintenance -Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: August 16, 2021) • Wi-Fi Hotspots - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • Microsoft Surface Studios - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • 3D Printers - (Closed date: July 14, 2021) • Waste Removal - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • Microsoft License - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • RFP-SLCL-SLPL-Shared-ILS - Amendment #1 - Amendment #2 - (Closed date: July 1, 2021) • Julia Davis Interior Renovation - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - (Closed date: June 18, 2021) • Buder Library Roof Replacement - (Closed date: June 2, 2021) • Compton Traction Elevator Renovation - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: June 1, 2021) • Plant & Garden Maintenance -- Addendum #1 -- (Closed date: May 27, 2021) • Fountain Water Line Repair -- Addendum 1 - Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: May 12, 2021) • Plant and Garden Maintenance - (Closed date: April 27, 2021) • Endpoint Protection Solution Internal System --Addendum 1 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling -- Addendum 1 -- Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • PTZ & Live Streaming Capable Camera System - Addendum 1 - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Guaranteed Energy Savings - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling - (Closed date: March 16) • PTZ and Livestream Capable Camera - (Closed date: March 16) • Wireless Implementation Project - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - Addendum #4 - Addendum #5 - Addendum #6 - Addendum #7 - (Closed date: March 3) • Google Workspace Gsuite - (Closed date: February 26) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: February 3) • Roof Consultant (Buder Library) - (Closed date: January 15) • Mini Desktop PCs - (Closed date: December 22) • Workstation Notebooks - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: December 1, 2020 ) • Branch Monument Signs - (Closed date: November 5, 2020) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - (Closed date: November 3, 2020) • Data Center - Servers - (Closed date: November 2, 2020) • Schlafly Flooring - (Closed date: October 27, 2020) • Unprint Annual Maintenance & Support License Subscription - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 22, 2020) • Uniprint Annual Maintenance & Support License/Subscription- (Closed date: September 2, 2020) • Printing Services - (Closed date: August 31, 2020) • Chromebooks and Licensing (Closed date: Aug. 7, 2020) • Administrative Office Specifications Metasys & ATC - Addendum 1 (Closed date: Aug. 5, 2020) • Window Washing Services (Closed date: July 20, 2020) • Repointing Stone Entry at Central (Closed date: July 15, 2020) • Excavation Service for Waterproofing (Closed date: March 18, 2020) • Lawn and Landscaping Services - Addendum #1& Addendum #2 (Closed date: March 19, 2020) • Internet Service (Closed February 6, 2020) • Pest Control (Closed February 4, 2020) -- Addendum 1 & 2: Pest Control & Addendum 3 • Payroll and Human Resources Information System (Closed January 22, 2020) --Addendum No. 1 & Addendum No. 2 • Window Washing (Closed November 25, 2019) Carpet--Furnish & Install (Buder & Cabanne) - Closing date: October 19, 2021 • Electronic RFB 21-990007 ATC and Metasys System Maintenance - (Closed date: September 2, 2021) • Self Check - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Unprint Maintenance - (Closed date: August 17, 2021) • Chiller Maintenance -Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: August 16, 2021) • Wi-Fi Hotspots - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • Microsoft Surface Studios - (Closed date: July 15, 2021) • 3D Printers - (Closed date: July 14, 2021) • Waste Removal - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • Microsoft License - (Closed date: July 2, 2021) • RFP-SLCL-SLPL-Shared-ILS - Amendment #1 - Amendment #2 - (Closed date: July 1, 2021) • Julia Davis Interior Renovation - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - (Closed date: June 18, 2021) • Buder Library Roof Replacement - (Closed date: June 2, 2021) • Compton Traction Elevator Renovation - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: June 1, 2021) • Plant & Garden Maintenance -- Addendum #1 -- (Closed date: May 27, 2021) • Fountain Water Line Repair -- Addendum 1 - Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: May 12, 2021) • Plant and Garden Maintenance - (Closed date: April 27, 2021) • Endpoint Protection Solution Internal System --Addendum 1 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling -- Addendum 1 -- Addendum 2 -- (Closed date: April 23, 2021) • PTZ & Live Streaming Capable Camera System - Addendum 1 - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Guaranteed Energy Savings - (Closed date: April 15, 2021) • Electronic Equipment Recycling - (Closed date: March 16) • PTZ and Livestream Capable Camera - (Closed date: March 16) • Wireless Implementation Project - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - Addendum #3 - Addendum #4 - Addendum #5 - Addendum #6 - Addendum #7 - (Closed date: March 3) • Google Workspace Gsuite - (Closed date: February 26) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - Addendum #1 - Addendum #2 - (Closed date: February 3) • Roof Consultant (Buder Library) - (Closed date: January 15) • Mini Desktop PCs - (Closed date: December 22) • Workstation Notebooks - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: December 1, 2020 ) • Branch Monument Signs - (Closed date: November 5, 2020) • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant - (Closed date: November 3, 2020) • Data Center - Servers - (Closed date: November 2, 2020) • Schlafly Flooring - (Closed date: October 27, 2020) • Unprint Annual Maintenance & Support License Subscription - Addendum #1 - (Closed date: September 22, 2020) • Uniprint Annual Maintenance & Support License/Subscription- (Closed date: September 2, 2020) • Printing Services - (Closed date: August 31, 2020) • Chromebooks and Licensing (Closed date: Aug. 7, 2020) • Administrative Office Specifications Metasys & ATC - Addendum 1 (Closed date: Aug. 5, 2020) • Window Washing Services (Closed date: July 20, 2020) • Repointing Stone Entry at Central (Closed date: July 15, 2020) • Excavation Service for Waterproofing (Closed date: March 18, 2020) • Lawn and Landscaping Services - Addendum #1& Addendum #2 (Closed date: March 19, 2020) • Internet Service (Closed February 6, 2020) • Pest Control (Closed February 4, 2020) -- Addendum 1 & 2: Pest Control & Addendum 3 • Payroll and Human Resources Information System (Closed January 22, 2020) --Addendum No. 1 & Addendum No. 2 • Window Washing (Closed November 25, 2019)