Board of Directors Meeting – September 9, 2024

The St. Louis Public Library Board of Directors meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 9, in the Library Administration Building at 1415 Olive Street. 


● Calling of the Roll
● Reading of the August 5, 2024 Minutes
● Public Comment *
● Report of the President of the Board
● Report of the Fiscal Affairs Committee: the 2024/2025 Budget
● Report of Nominating Committee
● Report of the Chief Executive Officer
● Motion for Executive Session to Discuss Personnel and Legal Issues **
● Adjourn

* Interested persons are allowed to appear before the Board at open meetings to address the Board on
Library business. No person shall be allowed to speak longer than five minutes unless expressly allowed
by the presiding officer.
** If such action is approved by a majority vote of the directors who constitute a quorum, the Board may
by roll call vote go into closed session to discuss legal, real estate, personnel, negotiated contracts, or
other matters under Chapter 610 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.
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