Board of Directors Meeting: October 4, 2021

In attendance were Nina North-Murphy, President, presiding; and Vince Volpe, Vice President; Alison Ferring; Janet Rainford; Keith Savage; Tom Schlafly; and David Sweeney. 

Also present were Chief Executive Officer Waller McGuire and staff members Angie Miraflor; Tiffany Davis, Jon Drakesmith, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Daisy Porter-Reynolds, Liz MacArthur; Anna Strackeljahn, Joe Monahan; Justin Struttmann, and Jen Wiese; Liz Reeves, Foundation, Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer: and Cyrus White, SCG Nonprofits. 

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Ms. North-Murphy, 

Ms. Rainford's motion, seconded by Mr. Schlafly, to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 meeting was unanimously approved. 

Public Comment:
President North-Murphy read a Communication received by email asking that the Board continue to broadcast its meeting publicly after the threat of the pandemic eases. Mr. McGuire stated that the decision about whether to meet in person was being made month to month, but if the Board had any strong opinions to please let him know. 

President's Report:
President North-Murphy commented on the work being done to merge the Catalog and ILS system between the City and County libraries, and the positive effects it would have Ms. North-Murphy then asked Cyrus White, the consultant working with the Board on creating a template for CEO performance evaluation, to report. Mr. White made a presentation on work he had done with Board members Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Ferring, and Ms. Rainford and several staff members to recommend to the Board a long-term strategy for CEO performance evaluation. A slide presentation and document had been distributed to the Board the week before. The Board discussed the proposed Executive Limitations document extensively, and decided to receive the recommendations and consider them further before voting, The Board thanked Mr. White for his work with the 2021 CEO evaluation, completed in June, and his guidance in establishing an ongoing process. 

Chief Executive Officer's Report: 
Mr. McGuire reported that after the 2016 ransomware attack the Board had asked him to. make certain the Library continued to have insurance policies in place against such an event. Our current insurer is canceling its coverage in this area, and all insurers seem to be reducing coverage and greatly increasing costs and requirements. We are looking for alternatives but may not have continuous coverage.

Mr. McGuire reported on the planning underway to partner with County Library on a new ILCS and catalog project. It is a complex project and he commended staff for their good work. Mr. McGuire reported on the Congressional Neighborhood Service Centers being operated in our buildings in partnership with Congresswoman Bush and her staff. Mr. McGuire reported on the Library's successful application for Federal Emergency Connectivity Funds to supply internet access to St. Louis residents. The Library is still trying to clarify the award for Chromebook laptops, but is moving forward as quickly as possible with the award to make 4000 internet hotspots available to the public. Mr. McGuire acknowledged the good work of Angie Miraflor, who is leaving the Library to take on a major new position at King County, outside of Seattle. The Board thanked Ms. Miraflor and wished her success. Staff went through the highlights of the regular financial, human resources, and Foundation reports, sent out in Board packets the prior week. 

New Business
President North-Murphy introduced the new draft Holiday Policy, which has been updated to include Juneteenth as a floating holiday for staff and removes Columbus Day. She stated that the proposed policy had been distributed to the Board and asked they read it and come prepared at the next meeting to discuss and vote on the policy. 

President called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45. The motion was made by Ms. Rainford, seconded by Ms. Ferring. The motion was unanimously approved. 

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on October 4, 2021, the following actions were taken: 

Ms. Rainford moved:  that the Board approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 meeting, MOTION APPROVED 
(In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Ferring, Ms, Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr, Sweeney, and Mr. Volpe.) 
Ms. Rainford moved:  that be meeting be adjourned. MOTION APPROVED 
(In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Ferring, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Volpe.) 



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