Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – May 4, 2020

In attendance were Nina North-Murphy, President, presiding; John Dubinsky, Alison Ferring, Janet Rainford, Keith Savage, Thomas Schlafly, David Sweeney, and Vince Volpe. 

Also present were Chief Executive Officer Waller McGuire and staff members Tiffany Davis, Jon Drakesmith, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Kathy Leitle, Mary Meyer, Angie Miraflor, Daisy Porter-Reynolds, Justin Struttmann, and Jen Wiese; Liz Reeves, Library Foundation; and Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer.

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Ms. North-Murphy. 

Mr. Schlafly’s motion, seconded by Ms. Rainford, to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2020 meeting was approved.

Mr. Schlafly’s motion, seconded by Mr. Sweeney, to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2020 meeting was approved.

Chief Executive Officer’s Report:

  • Mr. McGuire stated that he will post the approved minutes with only his signature rather than wait to get the Board President’s signature because of the current stay-at-home order.
  • Mr. McGuire reported that the Library is in good shape financially and that Public Services staff continue to connect with customers through online resources, video book talks, and Storytimes.
  • Staff is also working to provide some new services during this time. Emerson has committed $28,000 to allow the Library to add more Hot Spots to the 80 already in the system. The plan is to increase the number by 200.
  • Ms. Davis is working with the Youth Services staff to change some of the summer camps that had been scheduled into video offerings for the summer program.
  • Mr. McGuire, Mr. Jackson, and Ms. Reeves met with the Foundation financial committee about shifting money originally designated for programs to other efforts during this time.
  • Mr. McGuire stated that staff have been working on plans for a reopening date for some Library locations in June, but no specific date has been set.
  • Local sources of washable masks for staff have been engaged so that they will be ready soon.
  • An all staff virtual meeting will be conducted later this month to keep staff updated. 
  • Mr. Jackson presented the financial report saying that the Library’s budget is in good shape with 96.6% of expected tax revenue already in the house.  The Library has also received State Aid and State Equalization money.  
  • Ms. Porter-Reynolds reported that Library Council members are working in teams to prepare for reopening in ways that will protect both customers and staff.  The Tech Connect service that was originally a one-to-one service for customers in Library locations needing technology help has been expanded to a telephone service during this time with good results.  To provide more electronic titles and copies needed during this situation, some money planned for physical collection items has been moved to purchase electronic collection items.
  • Mr. Struttmann reported that Support Services staff are still handling a number of duties including the mail and deliveries.  Public Safety regularly visits each location.  Custodial staff will be doing some carpet and floor cleaning.  Maintenance is overseeing some projects including the upgrade of the Buder elevators. His team is also working on the logistics of getting customers in and out of the buildings safely with access control, suggestions for signage, and logistics of how to isolate returned materials as needed.  Ms. Wiese reported that she is working with the HR aspects by keeping up with questions from staff and following changes to HR law.
  • Mr. McGuire stated that he will keep Board Members updated of Library plans and will be in contact with the City Board of Health.  He also stated that Library staff are anxious to get back to providing services to the public.
  • Mr. McGuire said that Administration may need to bring some policy changes to the next meeting, depending on requirements from national, state, and local governmental policies.
  • Ms. North-Murphy thanked the staff on behalf of the Library Board for their continued efforts for customers.

Mr. Sweeney’s motion, seconded by Mr. Savage, to adjourn the meeting was approved.

The meeting ended at 6:25 p.m.

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on May 4, 2020, the following actions were taken:

Mr. Schlafly moved:        that the Board approve the minutes of the March 2, 2020 meeting.  MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Volpe.)
Mr. Schlafly moved:     that the Board approve the minutes of the April 6, 2020 meeting.  MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Volpe.)
Mr. Sweeney moved:       that the meeting adjourn.  MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Ferring, Ms. North-Murphy, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Volpe.)
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