Tornado of 1896 Publications
This collection contains publications (mostly pictorial) of the 1896 tornado that occurred in St. Louis. Also contains newspaper clippings and subsequent publications of the event. Finding aid »
This collection contains publications (mostly pictorial) of the 1896 tornado that occurred in St. Louis. Also contains newspaper clippings and subsequent publications of the event. Finding aid »
The collection contains dissertations, theses, and student papers written mainly by St. Louis-area college students. Finding aid »
The collection contains the Advertising Club of St. Louis’ archives including the group papers—rosters, financial statements, meeting minutes, member photos, issues of the Ad Club Weekly magazine, and Addy Award documents and some memorabilia. Finding aid »
Collection of Army Overseas Editions of periodical titles and a few fiction titles published in small format. The collection spans 1939-1945. Finding aid »
Collection of travel literature covering Canada. Much of the collection dates from the 1930s-1940s. Brochures and publications from travel companies, transportation companies, tourist bureaus, tourist attractions, and government entities are featured. Finding aid »
The collection contains publications produced by the Chautauqua Institute of Chautauqua, NY. Includes program listings, catalogues, and periodicals. Finding aid »
The collection contains special exhibition catalogues featured by the City Art Museum in St. Louis. Finding aid »
Collection of Cobblestones Magazine, produced by journalism students at Roosevelt High School. Finding aid »
Collection of travel literature related to cruises and steamships spanning the globe. Much of the collection dates from the 1930s-1940s. Brochures and publications from travel companies and transportation companies are featured. Finding aid »
The collection contains party planning and decorating guides published by Dennison’s Manufacturing Company. Finding aid »
The collection contains small booklets of stories, poems, songs, and reading lessons for children. The booklets come from a variety of publishers in the United States and Europe and span the years 1766-1909. After 1909, the booklets were used as part of an exhibit, but it is unknown where the exhibit took place and who compiled the exhibit. Finding aid »
The collection consists of 25 issues of The Evening Whirl published 1952-1953. Finding aid »
Extra Pointer was a newsletter produced by the Saint Louis (Cardinals) Quarterback Club from 1969-1987. Finding aid »
The collection consists of seven issues of Flush magazine from 2002. Flush Magazine was published by Jeremy Rouse and Darren Tracy from 2001-2002 in Carlyle, Illinois. The free monthly publication focused on local alternative music and was distributed in St. Louis City and County, the Metro East, and Carbondale, IL. The last issue was published in December 2002. Finding aid »
The collection contains issues of FOCUS/Midwest published between the years 1962 to 1982. Finding aid »
The collection contains an incomplete run of the Fort Wood News 1941-1945. Finding aid »
The Gateway Review Collection consists of an almost complete run the quarterly magazine from 2010 to present. Finding aid »
Collection of travel literature spanning the globe. Much of the collection dates from the 1930s-1940s. Brochures and publications from travel companies, transportation companies, tourist bureaus, tourist attractions, and government entities are featured. Finding aid »
The Jefferson Barracks Hub, also known as the HUB, was published by the U.S. Army Reserves and was an “Official publication of the Air Corps Replacement Training Center, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.” The collection houses an incomplete run of volumes 1 through 4 from Dec. 12, 1941 to April 30, 1944 (v. 1, no. 36-v. 4, no. 18). Volume 4 is complete and volume 3 is missing four issues. Finding aid »
The collection of the Jet Lag Magazine spans the years 1980-1982. The monthly periodical was published by Steve Pick and John “The Mailman” Korst from 1980-1991. Jet Lag included local band and concert reviews, book and record reviews, advertising, and a calendar of local concerts and venues. Finding aid »
The collection contains papers, publications, ephemera and memorabilia of KDHX. Included is an incomplete run of Airwaves from 1983 to 2008. Airwaves is the the official publication of KDHX issued to members that contributed $40 or more annually to the station. KDHX is a community radio that KDHX began construction in March of 1982, but did not go on the air until 1987. It broadcasts at 88.1 mHz. The station is licensed to the Double Helix Corporation. In 2013, KDHX moved to the Larry J. Weir Center for Independent Media (3524 Washington Avenue) after more than twenty-five years at 3504 Magnolia Avenue. Finding aid »
The collection contains the papers and memorabilia of KDNA and its later ownership by the Double Helix Corporation. KDNA was a St. Louis listener-supported radio station that operated in St. Louis's Gaslight Square district from 1968 to 1973. It broadcasted at 102.5 MHz. The station was licensed to the Double Helix Corporation in 1972 and in the call letters were later changed to KEZK. Finding aid »
The collection contains an incomplete run of the tourism publication, Key Magazine. It was “delivered weekly to St. Louis’ leading hotels, motels, transportation centers, and apartment complexes” and was published locally by the Cherese Corporation, 8147 Delmar, Suite 205, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130. The bulk of the collection is from 1970. Finding aid »
The collection contains the newsletters for the Downtown Kiwanis Club of St. Louis. Both bound and unbound volumes are included in the collection Finding aid »
The collection contains administrative files, publications, ephemera, and memorabilia of KMOX radio. Finding aid »
The collection contains manuscripts, correspondence, clippings, publications, ephemera and memorabilia regarding KSD Radio and its staff. Finding aid »
The collection contains individual issues of Leslie’s Weekly, an illustrated news magazine, from the year 1905. Finding aid »
The collection contains examples of letterpress and fine printing from a variety of publishers and private presses. Finding aid »
The collection contains issues of Liberty—later Liberties—that was published by the St. Louis Civil Liberties Commission. Finding aid »
The Mary Lee Taylor Pet Milk Cookbook collection consists of over 75 recipe booklets published from 1937 to 1961. Pet Milk was represented by Gardner Advertising Company of St. Louis. In the early 1930s, Gardner Advertising employee, Erma Perham Proetz, created the personality and pseudonym of Mary Lee Taylor. Proetz was key in the development of the Pet Milk Kitchen with Mary Lee Taylor serving as the Pet Milk home consultant to the American housewife. Finding aid »
The collection contains pamphlets written by McCune Gill, President of the Title Guarantee Trust Company. Subjects of the pamphlets include St. Louis history, legal matters, insurance matters and legal history. Finding aid »
The collection contains medical literature on a variety of medical topics including history, education, specific ailments, and pharmacology. Finding aid »
The Mill Creek Valley Intelligencer was “published by the Mill Creek Valley Publishing Company for the residence of LaClede Park, LaClede Town and Environs.” The collection houses an incomplete run of issues printed from Nov. 8, 1965 to Sept. 1976 (v.1, no.1 – v.8?). Volume 1 is complete. The other volumes are incomplete. Finding aid »
The collection consists of issues of the Missouri Ruralist which was published at 2206 Pine Street, St. Louis, MO. This agriculture based tabloid was published on the first and fifteenth of the month. Finding aid »
The Missouri Times Collection consist of five volumes of the Missouri Times, published in Jefferson City, MO from 1979 to 1984. The collection is organized into two subseries, the bulk of which consists of papers, including are administrative files, correspondence, and vertical files. Finding aid »
The St. Louis music periodical, Night Times, was published monthly by Julia Gordon from March 1995 to March 1998. The publication included local and national touring band and concert reviews with a St. Louis slant, record reviews, advertising, and a calendar of local concerts and venues. Finding aid »
The collection of Noisy Paper spans the years 1981-82 and 1999-2001. Noisy Paper was a free local publication dedicated to covering the local arts and music of St. Louis along with some national interests. The publication created and published by Carrie Lindsey. Finding aid »
Collection of travel literature produced as advertisements for tour or transportation companies. Finding aid »
The collection contains music programs collected by Paul Blackwelder from a variety of performance groups and venues. Most of the programs are from New York City, but London and San Francisco are also represented. Finding aid »
The collection consists of 19 issues of Playback: stl spanning from 2002 to 2006. The monthly publication was the "source for music news, previews, interviews and reviews.” By October of 2006, Playback: stl was only available as a digital publication. Finding aid »
The collection contains political campaign material for US presidential elections from 1860-1968. Items include convention programs and publications, party campaign books, and candidate advertisements. Finding aid »
The collection contains the official publication of the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis and documents membership activities, events and programs offered by the Press Club. Finding aid »
The collection consists of Prom magazine which was published monthly by Miller Publications from March 1947 to 1973. The aim of this collection is to assemble a full run of Prom, which was produced “exclusively for the youth of Greater St. Louis.” Special Collections currently has an incomplete run from March 1947 to July 1973. prom-magazine-collection Finding aid »
The collection contains an incomplete run of Radio and Entertainment In and Around St. Louis (RAE) from September 26, 1931 to November 25, 1933 which was transferred from the SLPL Periodical Room. The collection contains duplicates of issues published in 1932-33, which were donated by Frank Absher and A. J. Cabanellas. RAE provided readers with the weekly radio schedule as well as listings of current movies, plays, sports, and special events such as dairy show. "Free at your McKesson Service Drug Store"-- cover verso. Finding aid »
The collection contains advertisements, reports, and assorted publications for United States railroads. Finding aid »
The collection contains publications related to the American Red Cross. Items include brochures, booklets, correspondence, and news clippings with a few items being St. Louis-related. Finding aid »
The collection contains issues of the Reporter, published by the League of Women Voters in St. Louis. Finding aid »
The collection contains various publications regarding social hygiene and sex education. Most publications are from the American Social Hygiene Association. Finding aid »
The collection contains various literature—fliers, publications, etc.—related to the Socialist Party in the United States. Finding aid »
The collection contains souvenir programs from various productions as well as programs from theaters and performance groups outside of the St. Louis area. Finding aid »
The collection contains talent guides for the St. Louis chapter of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Finding aid »
St. Louis Fan was a magazine published by the Stadium Fans, Inc. from 1969 to 1976. The collection contains an incomplete run of the monthly publication from 1972-1975. Finding aid »
This collection houses the complete run for the publication from September 1988 to June 1989. Finding aid »
The collection contains literature from three St. Louis-area organizations focusing on hearing and speech disabilities: Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis Hearing and Speech Center, and St. Louis League for the Hard of Hearing. Finding aid »
The collection consists of an almost complete run of the monthly magazine, St. Louis Journalism Review. The collection also includes a box of general research files, including clippings, correspondence, and ephemera. Finding aid »
The collection contains exhibition catalogs from the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts (now the St. Louis Art Museum). Finding aid »
The collection contains catalogues of the St. Louis Music Supply Company spanning the years 1939-1967. St. Louis Music Supply was located in 1939 at 708-10 Pine Street. They were later located at 3711 West Pine Boulevard. Finding aid »
The St. Louis News was a strike newspaper and only produced in 1978. The collection houses a complete run of the paper (v.1: nos.1-9), which was printed from Monday, November 27, 1978 to Saturday/Sunday, December 9-10, 1978. Finding aid »
Although the date of many of the pieces is unknown, the dated material covers the years 1878-2014 with the bulk of the material ranging from the 1910s-2000s. The collection is organized into three subseries, the bulk of which consists of publications that represent the history of and changes within the Post-Dispatch as well as the greater world of (newspaper) publishing trends and standards. Finding aid »
This collection is a vertical file for publications (mostly newspapers, journals, and magazines) produced in metro St. Louis and the surrounding area. Finding aid »
The collection contains material covering the years 1900-1918, with the bulk of the material ranging from 1907-1918. Most of the collection consists of the Sunday Magazine of the St. Louis Republic. Finding aid »
The collection houses papers of the St. Louis Star, the St. Louis Times, and the St. Louis Star-Times, chiefly those of the St. Louis Star-Times. The dated material covers the years 1900 to 1976 with the bulk of the material ranging from 1932 to 1951. Finding aid »
Marguerite Kettering assembled this collection during her time as editorial staff librarian at the St. Louis Sun. The collection contains photos, administrative files, and newspapers (first and last issues of Sun). Finding aid »
The collection consists of St. Louis Today issues published from Sept. 7-8 to Oct. 5-6, 1973 (vol.1:nos.1-12) which were printed to replace the Post-Dispatch and the Globe-Democrat during their strikes—“St. Louis Today...will continue in operation until the end of the current newspaper strike.”; “...produced by local newsworkers from the two metropolitan dailies.” Finding aid »
The collection of Static, Inc. contains three print issues and covers the years 1997-1998. The St. Louis alternative music periodical was published bimonthly by Jarrett Tindall and Tom Henkey, former writers at publications including The Riverfront Times and Night Times. They were assisted by a revolving group of approximately a dozen St. Louis-based writers and musicians. Static, Inc. included local, regional, and national touring band and concert reviews, record reviews, advertising, artwork, and commentary. Finding aid »
The collection contains research and administrative files, correspondence, photographs, ephemera, and prototypes. The Sun was published from September 25, 1989 to April 25, 1990. Tom Birkenmeier was the Marketing Director for the Sun. Finding aid »
The Greater Saint Louis Jewish Star was a weekly newspaper that was edited and published by Charles Klotzer. The collection houses a complete run of the paper (v.1: nos.1-18), which was printed from September 6, 1954 to January 3, 1955. Finding aid »
The collection consists of an incomplete run of The Second 50 Forum, an independent monthly newspaper written especially for older adults in the St. Louis area. The publishing dates of the paper are unknown, but it is suspected that volume 1, number 1 was printed on November 1979. The newspaper went out of print sometime after February 1988. Finding aid »
The collection contains a nearly complete run of The Vincentian, a Catholic magazine published in St. Louis, from 1926-1942. Finding aid »
This collection contains publications (mostly pictorial) of the 1896 tornado that occurred in St. Louis. Also contains newspaper clippings and subsequent publications of the event. Finding aid »
The collection contains published programs from the Tournament of Roses Parade held annually in Pasadena, California. The years 1927-1965 are represented. Some programs include handwritten notations from person who worked on float entries including floats for St. Louis. Finding aid »
The collection of TV Review spans the years 1951-1953. In 1951, the St. Louis Television News Weekly publication was published weekly by The Scene Publishing Company on 308 N. Sixth Street in St. Louis. By 1952, the publication was published by TV Review, Inc. at 5244 Delor Street, and featured a daily television program schedule for KSD-TV Channel 5 along with advertisements. The publication changed its name to TV Preview during 1953, and continued to be published by TV Review, Inc. Finding aid »
Collection of travel literature covering the United States. Much of the collection dates from the 1930s-1940s. Brochures and publications from travel companies, transportation companies, tourist bureaus, tourist attractions, and government entities are featured. Finding aid »
The collection contains individual color plates from Valley of the Mississippi Illustrated by Henry Lewis. The title was first published in 1854, unknown what edition plates are from. Finding aid »
The collection contains various items related to West Presbyterian Church, located at 5872 Maple Avenue in St. Louis. Items include directories, newsletters, directories, correspondence, photographs, and several paintings of the church. The church is now decommissioned. Finding aid »
Publication about neighborhoods, institutions, population groups in St. Louis. Finding aid »
The collection contains literature related to women’s rights in the workforce and industrial settings. Items include speech transcripts, publications, fliers, and Pax International newsletters. Finding aid »
The collection contains nine issues of the Youth’s Companion Combined with American Boy Magazine from 1934. The Youth’s Companion published from 1827-1929 before combining with rival American Boy magazine, which published from 1899-1941. Finding aid »
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